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FAAC 415 Basic Operator Kit with E024U Control Panel (Double)
FAAC 415 Basic Operator Kit with E024U Control Panel (Double)

FAAC 415 Basic Operator Kit with E024U Control Panel (Double)

Your Price:$2,091.96
Part Number:FAAC-10441811.5-104418115.6

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Per UL325-2016 all gate operators sold in the USA after February 2016 will be required to have a monitored safety photo cell to prevent accidental crushing or entrapment.



FAAC 415 Swing Gate Operators

The FAAC 415 (10441811.5E) Compact Operator is an automatic gate operator for a swinging gate leaf. The 415 Compact Operator is useful in residential applications and can accommodate a gate leaf up to 14 ft (4.3 m) long. The self-contained 415 Compact Operator consists of an electric motor that
drives a worm screw housed in an aluminum casing.

The locking the 415 Operator provides in the fully opened and fully closed positions is a service device rather than a security device. Additional,
external locks are recommended under the following conditions:

* It is a solid-faced gate.
* The length of the gate leaf is 6 ft (2 m) or longer.
* The installation requires tight security.
* The site is subject to vandalism.
* The site is subject to strong or very gusty wind

In two-operator gate installations, both (master/slave) operators are wired to one control panel. The electronic control panel is a microprocessor-based controller that accepts a wide range of product accessories and reversing devices, thus allowing for flexible gate system design. Also for the
protection and proper operation of the 415 Operator, each operator has built in limit switched so positive stops are not needed. Built-in security and anti-crushing measures of the 415 Operator include built in reverse on contact and a torque adjustment that controls the force
transmitted to the gate leaf through the 415 Operator. The Manual Release mechanism is a key accessed device that disengages (or engages) the cylinder on 415 Operator. When the drive is disengaged, you can open and close the gate leaf by hand. Such manual operation of the gate is
necessary during installation and useful during prolonged power failures.

FAAC 415 24V DC Swing Gate Operators
Duty cycle 100%
Maximum gate swing 110 degrees
90 degree opening time 13 seconds
Maximum . weight per gate leaf 700 pounds (317.5kg)
Maximum length per gate leaf 15 feet (4.6 m)
Approx. operating temp. range -4°F to131°F (-20°C to 5°C)
Voltage Primary: 115 vac
Secondary: 24vdc (100va transformer)
Power Consumption 70 W
Current Consumption 3 A
Effective stroke 15” (38.1 cm)
Protection class Nema 4x

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